Sample Mjpeg Video File 23
Note that in the above example the shortest option for overlay filter isused to end the output video at the length of the shortest input file,which in this case is input.mp4 as the GIF in this example loopsinfinitely.
Disable pattern matching, therefore the video will only contain the specifiedimage. You should use this option if you do not want to create sequences frommultiple images and your filenames may contain special pattern characters.
This example creates two hls variant streams. The first variant stream willcontain video stream of bitrate 1000k and audio stream of bitrate 64k and thesecond variant stream will contain video stream of bitrate 256k and audiostream of bitrate 32k. Here, two media playlist with file names out_0.m3u8 andout_1.m3u8 will be created. If you want something meaningful text instead of indexesin result names, you may specify names for each or some of the variantsas in the following example.
This example creates three hls variant streams. The first variant stream willbe a video only stream with video bitrate 1000k, the second variant stream willbe an audio only stream with bitrate 64k and the third variant stream will be avideo only stream with bitrate 256k. Here, three media playlist with file namesout_0.m3u8, out_1.m3u8 and out_2.m3u8 will be created.
If this option is set to a non-zero value, the muxer will reserve a given amountof space in the file header and then try to write the cues there when the muxingfinishes. If the reserved space does not suffice, no Cues will be written, thefile will be finalized and writing the trailer will return an error.A safe size for most use cases should be about 50kB per hour of video.
Write an initial moov atom directly at the start of the file, withoutdescribing any samples in it. Generally, an mdat/moov pair is writtenat the start of the file, as a normal MOV/MP4 file, containing onlya short portion of the file. With this option set, there is no initialmdat atom, and the moov atom only describes the tracks but hasa zero duration.
Enables utilization of version 1 of the CTTS box, in which the CTS offsets canbe negative. This enables the initial sample to have DTS/CTS of zero, andreduces the need for edit lists for some cases such as video tracks withB-frames. Additionally, eases conformance with the DASH-IF interoperabilityguidelines.
Note that if you want accurate splitting for a video file, you need tomake the input key frames correspond to the exact splitting timesexpected by the segmenter, or the segment muxer will start the newsegment with the key frame found next after the specified starttime.
More interesting ins the JFIFin the last line. As in the answers suggested this is maybe the indicator of the file format. But afaik JFIF is a single picture format just like jpg. So does this maybe even mean that the whole video file is just some \"brainless\" chained pictures And my Player just assumes that he should show this pictures one after another, without any knowledge about the framerate
According to your sample data your camera sends the frames packed into a MIME container. (The first line is the boundary, then the headers until you encounter an empty line, then the file data itseld, followe by the boundary and so on).
A raw data format for digital audio. ESP32 DAC use 16-bit bit depth, that means each 16-bit data represent a digital sampled analog signal. Most video and song audio commonly use sample rate at 44100 MHz, that means 44100 sampled analog signal for each second. So, 1 minute mono audio PCM raw data will be sized: 16 * 44100 * 60 = 42336000 bits = 5292000 bytes or over 5 MB. The size of stereo audio will be double, i.e. over 10 MB
Hi, sorry where would I find this I didn't think you could alter the WDT timeout The only parts of the code I have altered are the file names, buffer size and pin mappings plus added IL9341 screen. #define MJPEG_FILENAME \"/sunrise.mjpeg\"#define MJPEG_BUFFER_SIZE (240 * 320 * 2 / 4)______________________________________________#else /* not a specific hardware */#define SCK 5#define MOSI 19#define MISO 21#define SS 32#define TFT_BL 15// ST7789 Display// Arduino_HWSPI *bus = new Arduino_HWSPI(15 /* DC */, 12 /* CS */, SCK, MOSI, MISO);// Arduino_GFX *gfx = new Arduino_ST7789(bus, -1 /* RST */, 2 /* rotation */, true /* IPS */, 240 /* width */, 240 /* height */, 0 /* col offset 1 */, 80 /* row offset 1 */);Arduino_HWSPI *bus = new Arduino_HWSPI(27 /* DC */, 4 /* CS */, SCK, MOSI, MISO);Arduino_TFT *gfx = new Arduino_ILI9341(bus, 33 /* RST */, 3 /* rotation */); #endif /* not a specific hardware */
Hi, tried using a few of the original .mjpg videos that you supplied with the download files but the error happens on them all. Looking at it though I can not seem to get any mjpg file to play at all on anything even on the PC. Not dealt with .mjpg file extension much before, but I can not seem to get them to play even in VLC player.
Dear Sir,I try the example \"RGB565_video-master/SDMMC_MJPEG_JPEGDEC_MP3_audio\"and have the following problem(Error compling for board DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1.)C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries\\ESP8266Audio\\src\\AudioOutputI2S.cpp: In member function 'bool AudioOutputI2S::SetPinout()':C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries\\ESP8266Audio\\src\\AudioOutputI2S.cpp:95:41: error: 'i2s_pin_config_t' has no non-static data member named 'mck_io_num' .data_in_num = I2S_PIN_NO_CHANGE}; ^C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries\\ESP8266Audio\\src\\AudioOutputI2S.cpp: In member function 'bool AudioOutputI2S::begin(bool)':C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries\\ESP8266Audio\\src\\AudioOutputI2S.cpp:232:28: error: 'I2S_MCLK_MULTIPLE_DEFAULT' was not declared in this scope .mclk_multiple = I2S_MCLK_MULTIPLE_DEFAULT, // Unused ^C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries\\ESP8266Audio\\src\\AudioOutputI2S.cpp:233:28: error: 'I2S_BITS_PER_CHAN_DEFAULT' was not declared in this scope .bits_per_chan = I2S_BITS_PER_CHAN_DEFAULT // Use bits per sample ^C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries\\ESP8266Audio\\src\\AudioOutputI2S.cpp:234:7: error: 'i2s_config_t' has no non-static data member named 'mclk_multiple' }; ^C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries\\ESP8266Audio\\src\\AudioOutputSPDIF.cpp: In constructor 'AudioOutputSPDIF::AudioOutputSPDIF(int, int, int)':C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries\\ESP8266Audio\\src\\AudioOutputSPDIF.cpp:108:22: error: 'I2S_MCLK_MULTIPLE_DEFAULT' was not declared in this scope .mclk_multiple = I2S_MCLK_MULTIPLE_DEFAULT, // Unused ^C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries\\ESP8266Audio\\src\\AudioOutputSPDIF.cpp:109:22: error: 'I2S_BITS_PER_CHAN_DEFAULT' was not declared in this scope .bits_per_chan = I2S_BITS_PER_CHAN_DEFAULT // Use bits per sample ^C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries\\ESP8266Audio\\src\\AudioOutputSPDIF.cpp:110:3: error: 'i2s_config_t' has no non-static data member named 'mclk_multiple' }; ^C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries\\ESP8266Audio\\src\\AudioOutputSPDIF.cpp: In member function 'bool AudioOutputSPDIF::SetPinout(int, int, int)':C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries\\ESP8266Audio\\src\\AudioOutputSPDIF.cpp:159:3: error: 'i2s_pin_config_t' has no non-static data member named 'mck_io_num' }; ^Multiple libraries were found for \"WiFi.h\" Used: C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\esp32\\hardware\\esp32\\1.0.6\\libraries\\WiFi Not used: C:\\Tommy Lai\\arduino-1.8.13\\libraries\\WiFiMultiple libraries were found for \"SD.h\" Used: C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\esp32\\hardware\\esp32\\1.0.6\\libraries\\SD Not used: C:\\Tommy Lai\\arduino-1.8.13\\libraries\\SDexit status 1Error compiling for board DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1.** I am using arduino-1.8.13, and DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1Please help with suggestions at your convenience, thank you.Thanks & best regardsTommy Lai
The video sample description contains information that defines how to interpret video media data. A video sample description begins with the four fields described in General Structure of a Sample Description.
Note: Some video sample descriptions contain an optional 4-byte terminator with all bytes set to 0, following all other sample description and sample description extension data. If this optional terminator is present, the sample description size value will include it. It is important to check the sample description size when parsing: more than or fewer than these four optional bytes, if present in the size value, indicates a malformed sample description.
The data format field of a video sample description indicates the type of compression that was used to compress the image data, or the color space representation of uncompressed video data. Table 4-1 shows some of the formats supported. The list is not exhaustive, and is subject to addition.
Video sample descriptions can be extended by appending other atoms. These atoms are placed after the color table, if one is present. These extensions to the sample description may contain display hints for the decompressor or may simply carry additional information associated with the images. Table 4-2 lists the currently defined extensions to video sample descriptions.
This extension specifies the height-to-width ratio of pixels found in the video sample. This is a required extension for MPEG-4 and uncompressed YCbCr video formats when non-square pixels are used. It is optional when square pixels are used.
This atom contains an MPEG-4 elementary stream descriptor atom. This is a required extension to the video sample description for MPEG-4 video. This extension appears in video sample descriptions only when the codec type is 'mp4v'.
An AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord for H.264 video, as defined in the MPEG-4 specification ISO/IEC 14496-15, and subject to the restrictions for storage in an MPEG-4 file, also specified in ISO/IEC 14496-15. 1e1e36bf2d