Learn why green fruits and vegetables are so healthy and powerful, and they have always been a part of our daily foods. Is it their green color that gives them the most benefit? Find out below.
The benefits of green fruits and vegetables
The vitamin K in green foods helps with vision, and with the maintenance of strong bones and teeth. Some of the yellowish green vegetables have the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin that help prevents cataracts and eye diseases, as well as osteoporosis.
These foods have sulforaphane and phytochemicals, which both help prevent cancer. They are also good for the circulatory system and have good B vitamins and minerals.
Chlorophyll benefits
The Chlorophyll is the pigment responsible for presenting green plants and algae which, somehow, we can say that is how the "blood of plants". Chlorophyll is the basic element for the transformation of the sun's energy in the process of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll, in addition to providing vital energy, contains many properties that are really beneficial for health. Here are some of its outstanding properties:
· Detoxifies and oxygenates our cells very effectively.
· It is an extraordinary and easily digestible source of vitamins and minerals.
· Supports blood circulation, cleanses the intestines, kidneys and liver.
· Helps balance our metabolism.
· It is a nutritional supplement that has a great deodorizing activity.
· Very useful to combat bad breath caused by alcoholic beverages, garlic, strong spices, tobacco
· and other foods.
· Helps eliminate odors caused by perspiration.
· It is an excellent antioxidant, it helps prevent premature cell deterioration, which is why it is
· considered rejuvenating.
· Nourishes and strengthens the circulatory system.
· Nourishes and strengthens the intestines.
· It is antianemic, very useful in cases of anorexia, for children who eat poorly or little and for those who
· feel weak.
· Good complement for those who practice high performance physical activity. you
· Significantly lowers serum cholesterol and triglycerides.
· It has anticancer and antimutagenic potential.
· Helps reduce urinary and fecal odor.
· Helps fight and prevent constipation.
· May be beneficial in treating dissolution of calcium oxalate stones.
Green smoothies a source of chlorophyll
This type of preparation is considered as the natural juices of health. They are called green smoothies because of their high content of chlorophyll (green leaf pigment) that is obtained through wonderful photosynthesis. Green leaves are the only living thing that can capture and store sunlight, and they serve as food for all creatures. So, by consuming a green smoothie, you could say that you are drinking liquid sunlight!
The chlorophyll molecule is the basis for all forms of carbohydrates on our planet. In fact, all the energy in natural foods comes from the Sun. When we consume chlorophyll we obtain important benefits, among them, the cleaning of waste from the body and improvements in digestion. It also supports the function of tissues and organs, and is a powerful defense against stomach, colon and liver cancer.
In the past, humans used to consume many greener vegetables, including many varieties that are no longer commonly used, using them in salads and as remedies. Across Europe they were highly respected, cabbage even became famous as a cure for all diseases.
Why is a green leafy smoothie beneficial?
Why prepare the green leaves as a smoothie? Unfortunately, many people today do not have normal levels of hydrochloric acid in their stomach, due to mineral deficiencies, particularly zinc. If we do not chew green foods correctly and we also have low levels of hydrochloric acid, we develop a rejection of these vegetables, since our body is not able to assimilate their nutrition.
The effect of blending food
Blending vegetables breaks down cell walls, making nutrients more bioavailable, and by combining these green leaves with fruits, we can disguise the strong smell and taste of chlorophyll, turning it into a food that our body enjoys.
Green leafy smoothies supply fiber, which is vital for eliminating toxins and other waste.
At the same time, they revitalize the whole organism. Green leafy vegetables are a very good source of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C, they contain carotenoids, which help protect against macular degeneration and provide folic acid. In fact, it contains all kinds of nutrients (even protein), with the exception of vitamin B12.
Benefits of green smoothies
Increase the energy level.
· Lose weight.
· Improves digestion.
· Improve complexion.
· Reduce pain.
· Improves the quality of sleep.
· Reduce cravings for sweets and junk food.
· Eliminate addictions.
· Strengthens the immune system.
· They prevent cancer.
· Learn more about green juices to lose weight.
Vitamin B6 is essential to keeping your immune system in top condition. Be sure to get enough vitamin B as a supplement, as part of your daily diet (you can easily get your daily intake from fortified cereals) or in a multivitamin.