Their Current Feelings For You Thoughts Of The Connection Tarot Love Reading Pick A Card
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Doing a tarot reading can help you connect with your intuition and find answers that lie within about everything from love and relationships to life path. There's no right or wrong way to pull cards, but following a few best practices can help you get the most out of every reading.
Love can be incredibly unpredictable. A yearly love horoscope will give you a glimpse into the romantic energies headed your way, but there's so much more to the story! That's because your unique astrological blueprint has a HUGE effect on how certain cosmic events will impact your love life.Your Big Picture 1-Year Astrology Love Forecast combines your specific Astrology with the long-term astrological cycles and major planetary transits that take place over the 12-month period of your choosing. This report outlines the peak days of each of your romantic cycles, so you'll know when these energies have the greatest influence on your love potential.Whether you're single, in a committed relationship, or evaluating a potential partner, arming yourself with this kind of personalized insight will help you maximize the opportunities and avoid any obstacles the universe throws your way.The following chapters are included in your yearly love Astrology forecast:\\r\\nYour Sign in LoveHow does your Sun sign want to be loved This section of the report answers that question, giving you a better understanding of your sign's love tendencies, as well as a general overview of the year in love for your sign.Get personalized predictions that will help you find and keep the love you deserve \\r\\nYour Instinctive NeedsThe Moon can have a major impact on your romantic mindset! This chapter illuminates the importance of specific New Moon and Full Moon cycles, helping you gauge your instinctive, gut-level needs in love and allowing you to maximize your potential in any relationship over the next year.Get personalized predictions that will help you find and keep the love you deserve \\r\\nYour Romantic CyclesVenus is one of the most powerful influences on your romantic cycles. It represents your ability to not only attract lovers but also to receive them! Understanding how Venus' transits touch your natal planets allows you to manifest love in the most positive way.Get personalized predictions that will help you find and keep the love you deserve \\r\\nYour Sexual EnergyMars is the planet of initiation, motivation, and drive -- but did you know it also rules your sexual and impulsive energy Pinpointing how Mars' transits fuels your birth chart not only tells you when this energy will be heightened for you, but also how you can best take advantage of it! Get personalized predictions that will help you find and keep the love you deserve \\r\\nYour Romantic LuckJupiter is a cosmic good luck charm that showers you with good fortune, which is why it's important to track its movement in the sky. When Jupiter connects to a planet in your birth chart, it opens up possibilities in every aspect of your life -- including matters of the heart! Get personalized predictions that will help you find and keep the love you deserve \\r\\nPractical LoveOkay, so Saturn isn't the most lovey-dovey planet in the sky, but that doesn't mean it's not important when it comes to romance! This planet knows a thing or two about endurance, so understanding when it touches your chart gives you the opportunity to snag the commitment you've been waiting for.Get personalized predictions that will help you find and keep the love you deserve \\r\\nRevolutionary LoveThere's a reason Uranus is known as the \\\"Great Awakener\\\" -- this planet loves sudden and dramatic change. Bracing yourself for Uranus' impact on your chart will help you embrace this revolutionary energy, allowing you to break free from traditional patterns and transform your love life.Get personalized predictions that will help you find and keep the love you deserve \\r\\nBlissful and Transformative LoveDon't let the slow movement of Neptune and Pluto fool you! Knowing Neptune's aspects to your chart allows you to work on the more spiritual side of love, while Pluto's movements offer insight on how to completely revamp your current romantic situation.Get personalized predictions that will help you find and keep the love you deserve \\r\\nYour Love PotentialReceive helpful suggestions from astrologer Maria DeSimone on how to continue to keep your eye on the romantic prize in the upcoming year.Get personalized predictions that will help you find and keep the love you deserve \\r\\nAre you ready to create a more rewarding love life by learning how to work with, rather than against, these universal energies Get your Big Picture 1-year Astrology Love Forecast now!\",\"subtitle\":\"Reveal your personalized love forecast\",\"custom_url\":\"\\/astrology\\/1-year-love-forecast\",\"hide_image\":0,\"image_slug\":\"big-pic-love-shock\",\"image_alt\":\"love shock\",\"seo_description\":\"Your unique astrological blueprint has a HUGE effect on how certain cosmic events will impact your love life! No matter what your relationship status is, arming yourself with this kind of romantic insight helps you maximize the opportunities and avoid the obstacles the universe throws your way. 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No matter what your relationship status is, arming yourself with this kind of romantic insight helps you maximize the opportunities and avoid the obstacles the universe throws your way. Get your 1-Year Astrology Love Forecast now!\",\"keywords\":\"yearly love horoscope, 1 year astrology love forecast, yearly love astrology, love horoscope for next year, love horoscope for singles, yearly love horoscope by date of birth, love horoscope yearly my sign\"},\"teaser\":\"Love can be incredibly unpredictable. A yearly love horoscope will give you a glimpse into the romantic energies headed your way, but there's so much more to the story! That's because your unique astrological blueprint has a HUGE effect on how certain cosmic events will impact your love life.Your Big Picture 1-Year Astrology Love Forecast combines your specific Astrology with the long-term ast\",\"show_in_article_collection\":true},{\"id\":1316,\"meta\":{\"seo_title\":\"Twin Flames: Have You Met Yours Yet\",\"type\":\"article.ArticlePage\",\"detail_url\":\"http:\\/\\/cms.dig.lo\\/api\\/v2\\/pages\\/1316\\/\",\"html_url\":\"http:\\/\\/cms.dig.lo\\/love-and-compatibility\\/twin-flames-the-bond-that-will-change-your-life\\/\",\"slug\":\"twin-flames-the-bond-that-will-change-your-life\",\"show_in_menus\":true,\"first_published_at\":\"2023-03-07T15:20:50.155251-08:00\"},\"title\":\"Twin Flames: The Bond That Will Change Your Life\",\"page_type\":\"article\",\"author\":{\"name\":\" Staff\",\"slug\":\"tarot-com-staff\"},\"latest_revision_created_at\":\"2023-03-07T17:02:48.249213-08:00\",\"body\":\"\\r\\nARTICLE CONTENTS\\r\\nWhat is a twin flame What is the purpose of a twin flame Twin Flame vs. Soulmate Origin of Twin Flame Stages of a twin flame relationship\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nIf you don\\u2019t know much about twin flames, you\\u2019re probably wondering two things: what are they, and who\\u2019s yours Let\\u2019s start with the what, and then we can get to the who, shall we\\r\\n\\r\\nWhat is a twin flame\\r\\n\\t\\r\\nA twin flame is a very intense soul bond. It\\u2019s basically your other half. But let\\u2019s be real \\u2013 no one else can complete you. So, meeting your twin flame doesn\\u2019t make you whole, it reminds you of the work you need to do to feel whole on your own.\\r\\n\\r\\nThe connection is always instant and deep. Looking into their eyes may feel so familiar, probably because it\\u2019s like looking into your own. This sense of unconditional love and truly being seen can be intoxicating until we start to sober up and realize that this person has a lot more to show us.\\r\\n\\r\\nWaking up next to your twin flame can be like seeing the dark circles under your eyes without needing to look in the mirror in the morning. So romantic, right They reflect back to you the ugly parts you haven\\u2019t quite accepted within yourself partly because they have similar wounds, fears, and insecurities.\\r\\n\\r\\nIn fact, it\\u2019s not uncommon for twin flames to share parallel childhood family dynamics. Maybe you both struggle with an abandonment wound, or perhaps each of you have parents who divorced when you were young \\u2013 this is why meeting your twin flame can feel like home. But once the relationship really gets rolling, though, you can\\u2019t ignore the monsters under the bed anymore.\\r\\n\\r\\nWhat is the purpose of a twin flame\\r\\n\\r\\nWhat\\u2019s the point of all this, you ask The answer is simple: soul evolution. Twin flames are attracted to one another to experience accelerated spiritual growth. They come together to be reminded of their true nature, which means loving the dark spots as much as the light. \\r\\n\\r\\nWe\\u2019re all good at hiding the less attractive parts of who we are from others (and even from ourselves). Yet with a twin flame, that\\u2019s not really possible. You\\u2019re forced to do the work, but the work is less about improving the relationship between you and them and more about improving your relationship with yourself. \\r\\n\\r\\nThe more we can accept, heal, and integrate our shadows, the more we can find wholeness. No one can do this for us. Your twin flame is not responsible for your demons, but that doesn\\u2019t mean you won\\u2019t take it out on them for bringing those demons to your attention.\\r\\n\\r\\nThat\\u2019s the confusing part \\u2013 you\\u2019re simultaneously attracted to and repulsed by them. Thus, twin flames can come in and out of each other\\u2019s lives until the necessary growth or healing has occurred. Remember, though: no supposed twin flame connection is just cause for staying in a relationship that\\u2019s toxic. If someone doesn\\u2019t treat you right, they\\u2019re probably not your twin flame.\\r\\n\\r\\nTwin flame vs. soulmate\\r\\n\\r\\nNo, a twin flame is not the same thing as a soulmate. While the two terms are often confused with one another, there are some crucial differences between them!\\r\\n\\r\\nA soulmate is someone from your \\u201csoul family.\\u201d Like a twin flame, there\\u2019s a deep familiarity when you meet them, but what makes this relationship distinct is that these bonds are typically quite harmonious. Both parties support the other in becoming their true self with grace and ease. \\r\\n\\r\\nA twin flame, on the other hand, inspires your truth in a much more tumultuous way. When you look in the mirror, you probably don\\u2019t always love what you see. The reflection of a twin flame challenges you to accept all of yourself, even the dark side. That\\u2019s why they\\u2019re also called \\u201cmirror souls.\\u201d\\r\\n\\r\\nTwin flames can actually become soulmates, but it takes a whole lot of patience and humility. If each person is able to take responsibility for their baggage, face their demons, and come out on the other side with the relationship still intact \\u2026 then, well, anything is possible.\\r\\n\\r\\nIs Your Soulmate Thinking About You Reveal the answer now \\u00bb\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nOrigin of twin flames\\r\\n\\r\\nThere are various spiritual traditions and ancient myths that tell the story of human souls being split in half, setting the foundation for the twin flame theory. Plato\\u2019s Symposium from the fifth century BC is one of them.\\r\\n\\r\\nThe myth tells the story of how humans used to have two bodies in one -- two faces, two sets of genitals, four arms, and four legs. Some were male\\/female, some male\\/male, and others female\\/female. These beings were extremely powerful and tried to overtake the gods, so Zeus decided to cut them all in half. Ever since then, souls wander the Earth yearning for their twin. \\r\\n\\r\\nA little far-fetched, we know\\u2026 but it doesn\\u2019t matter whether you believe that your twin flame is in fact half of your soul or simply see this as a metaphor to describe this powerful relationship. All that matters is that twin flames are out there. And if you happen to find yours, they will help you find yourself.\\r\\n\\r\\nStages of a twin flame relationship\\r\\n\\r\\nStage 1: Instant connection\\r\\nYou both meet. It\\u2019s hot. It\\u2019s heavy. It\\u2019s unlike anything you\\u2019ve experienced before. What is it about this person It\\u2019s like you\\u2019ve known them for years; maybe even lifetimes. Delete your dating profile \\u2013 there\\u2019s no turning back now.\\r\\n\\r\\nStage 2: Honeymoon phase\\r\\nYou\\u2019re the yin to their yang. The love runs so deep it feels spiritual. You both just get each other. You feel like you can tell them anything. You might even be finishing their sentences. Is it too good to be true\\r\\n\\r\\nStage 3: Shadows come to light\\r\\nLittle by little, you start to trigger each other and the disillusionment begins. Little tiffs turn into bigger quarrels and before you know it, you\\u2019re working through your deepest darkest fears together. Get ready for some rapid healing.\\r\\n\\r\\nStage 4: Push\\/pull begins\\r\\nYou\\u2019re hot, they\\u2019re cold; they\\u2019re in, you\\u2019re out. The relationship can be so challenging, it\\u2019s likely you\\u2019ll come in and out of each other\\u2019s lives. When you\\u2019re together, it\\u2019s intense and tumultuous, but when you\\u2019re apart, you miss the love and excitement.\\r\\n\\r\\nStage 5: Surrender or separation\\r\\nYou can\\u2019t go on like this forever, so what\\u2019s it gonna be Will you face your demons together Or is it easier to do that apart There\\u2019s no right answer, as long as you learn from the relationship. If the flame goes out, your unconditional love will remain.\\r\\n\\r\\n11 Signs you\\u2019ve met your twin flame\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nThere\\u2019s an instant connection\\r\\nThe person is intensely familiar\\r\\nA powerful magnetism exists between you\\r\\nThe relationship is turbulent\\r\\nShared wounds, fears, and insecurities\\r\\nYou feel a psychic or telepathic connection\\r\\nThere\\u2019s a push\\/pull dynamic\\r\\nRapid growth and healing happen together\\r\\nSynchronicity is common around them\\r\\nYou see angel numbers like 11:11\\r\\nThe connection feels sacred\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nFAQ\\r\\n\\r\\nAre twin flames meant to be in a relationship\\r\\n\\r\\nNot necessarily! A twin flame relationship lasts however long is needed for the evolution of each soul, which could be 45 minutes or 45 years.\\r\\n\\r\\nAre twin flames always romantically involved\\r\\n\\r\\nUsually, but sometimes they happen to be platonic relationships. A twin flame is an intense soul bond that reflects your inner shadows and changes you to your core. Sometimes it takes the shape of a deep friendship. So no, sex and romance are not a necessary part of the equation. \\r\\n\\r\\nWhat happens when twin flames break up\\r\\n \\r\\nThey move on! Don\\u2019t get us wrong: twin flame breakups are not easy. But once you integrate your shadows, you\\u2019ll be much more likely to attract a soulmate into your life. \\r\\n\\r\\nDo you only have one twin flame\\r\\n\\r\\nTypically, but we like to believe there may even be more than one out there! Twin flames are extremely rare, though, so they\\u2019re not exactly going to be lining up at your door.\\r\\n\\r\\nDoes everyone have a twin flame\\r\\n\\r\\nAbsolutely -- the universe isn\\u2019t going to leave you hanging! But just because you have one doesn\\u2019t mean you\\u2019ll recognize them right away. If you haven\\u2019t met yours, don\\u2019t panic\\u2026 they could be right around the corner.\\r\\n\\r\\nWhen do twin flames meet\\r\\n\\r\\nLet\\u2019s face it \\u2013 we can never be truly prepared for this life-changing relationship. When both people are in need of the rapid growth and healing that this dynamic provides, they will attract each other into their lives. But that doesn\\u2019t mean they necessarily want to do the inner work it involves! \\r\\n\\r\\nCan twin flames become toxic\\r\\n\\r\\nYep, especially if there\\u2019s a lot of resistance. If someone doesn\\u2019t want to look in the mirror, things can get ugly. However, some people romanticize this topic to justify getting back together with someone who treated them poorly. Remember \\u2013 no supposed twin flame connection can justify staying in a toxic or abusive relationship.\\r\\n\\r\\nWhat zodiac signs are twin flames\\r\\n\\r\\nWe wish it were that simple! Astrology can\\u2019t tell you if two people are twin flames, but you might see clues of a twin flame dynamic if they both have similar past life placements in their charts. The South Node is a great place to start! \\r\\n\\r\\nHow do you find your twin flame\\r\\n\\r\\nBe patient. Your twin flame will come along when the time is right. If you\\u2019re wondering whether your twin flame is close by, pull some tarot cards to find out\\u2026\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\n Is your twin flame thinking about you \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n FIND OUT NOW\\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \",\"subtitle\":\"Signs this rare twin flame connection is about to get lit\",\"custom_url\":\"\\/astrology\\/twin-flames\",\"hide_image\":0,\"image_slug\":\"twin-flame-2\",\"image_alt\":\"A man and woman holding each other with an orange backdrop with planets, representing twin flames\",\"seo_description\":\"A twin flame is a rare and life-changing soul connection that will change your life. 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These signs will tell you if you\\u2019ve found yours!\",\"keywords\":\"twin flames, twin flame meaning, twin flame vs soulmate, twin flame signs, twin flame love, toxic twin flames, twin flame angel numbers\"},\"teaser\":\"\\r\\nARTICLE CONTENTS\\r\\nWhat is a twin flame What is the purpose of a twin flame Twin Flame vs. Soulmate 59ce067264